Niaouli 50ml Essential Oil
Niaouli 50ml Essential Oil
Latin Name : Melaleueca Viridiflora
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Twigs
Source : Indonesia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Niaouli Essential Oil isn't the greatest smelling essential oil. What it lacks in aromatic appeal, however, it makes up for in its therapeutic benefits. It's an excellent choice for use with respiratory concerns, skin infections and acne.
Aromatically, Niaouli Essential Oil is generally not considered a pleasant essential oil. The aroma is camphorous, earthy and a bit harsh. It's never a good idea to form an opinion of the aroma of an essential oil by simply smelling it straight from the bottle.
The pain-relieving property of this oil makes it a very good analgesic. It eliminates pain by inducing numbness in the nerves and by desensitizing the area. It is very effective in relieving the pain of headaches, migraines, toothaches, earaches, and muscle and joint pain, as well as pain due to sprains.
This oil stimulates the circulation of the blood and lymph, thereby preventing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and bringing warmth to various parts of the body. These two factors together help give relief from rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.
Open wounds are prone to infections since bacteria, fungi, and other microbes have a very good chance of getting into the bloodstream through these wounds. Bacteria also reside in the urogenital tracts, colon, prostate, intestines, and kidneys and cause infections of the urethra and other sensitive body parts. The essential oil of Niaouli, thanks to its antiseptic properties, can inhibit bacterial growth in those areas and gives good protection against sepsis, tetanus, and infections of the other internal organs.
For steaming: add 3-4 drops to the steamer of your choice.
For topical use: apply one or two drops to the desired area. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil to reduce skin sensitivity.
ATTENTION: Our essential oils are not intended for internal use!
Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under the care of a physician, consult your physician. If you have a baby, be sure to consult your doctor about the use of essential oils. Avoid contact with eyes, inner parts of ears, and other sensitive areas. If necessary, use it on the skin only after dilution in a base oil. Possible skin sensitivity. When using essential oils, follow the "less is better" principle - even small, barely sniffable concentrations/doses are beneficial. Store essential oils in a tightly sealed bottle in a dark, cool place. None of our products are registered as medicines or biocides.