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10 ml Hyssop Essential Oil

10 ml Hyssop Essential Oil

Regular price €27,84 EUR
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Latin Name : Hyssopus Officinalis
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering Tops
Source : Slovenia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation

The essential oil of Hyssop is extracted with the help of steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of a shrub called Hyssop. The health benefits of this essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an astringent, stimulant, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, carminative, cicatrizant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypertensive, nervine, sudorific, tonic, febrifuge, vermifuge, and vulnerary substance.

Being an antispasmodic, Hyssop essential oil gives relief in spasms of the respiratory system, thereby curing spasmodic coughs. It also cures spasms of the nervous system in order to cure convulsions and related problems, as well as reducing muscular spasms, which cures cramps, and spasms of the intestines, giving relief from acute abdominal pain.

Since Hyssop oil improves and promotes circulation, it helps cure diseases associated with poor circulation, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and swelling.

This oil facilitates digestion. Being a stimulant, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices like acids, enzymes, and bile into the stomach, which speeds up the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.

For steaming: add 3-4 drops to the steamer of your choice.
For topical use: apply one or two drops to the desired area. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil to reduce skin sensitivity.

ATTENTION: Our essential oils are not intended for internal use!

Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under the care of a physician, consult your physician. If you have a baby, be sure to consult your doctor about the use of essential oils. Avoid contact with eyes, inner parts of ears, and other sensitive areas. If necessary, use it on the skin only after dilution in a base oil. Possible skin sensitivity. When using essential oils, follow the "less is better" principle - even small, barely sniffable concentrations/doses are beneficial. Store essential oils in a tightly sealed bottle in a dark, cool place. None of our products are registered as medicines or biocides.

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